US government

PM Ponta: In this complicated region, Romania represents stronghold of security, stability and predictability

Prime Minister Victor Ponta, on Monday, in the opening of the Regional Cyber Security Summit, said that Romania represents a stronghold of security in a complicated region, where difficult wars are being carried out, especially in the energy area.

Photo credit: (c) Liviu SOVA / AGERPRES ARCHIVE

S. Xiros' prison release is rain on G. Angelopoulos-Daskalaki's parade

Greek businesswoman Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki's plans to have former U.S. President Bill Clinton attend her conference at the Athens Hilton on June 23 and 24 were foiled after the US government expressed a critical stance on the prospect of Savvas Xiros' prison release.

Government official: “The US government overreacted on the Xiros issue”

A top government official travelling to Brussels with the Prime Minister mentioned the US government’s critical stance on the potential Savvas Xiros release. The official who is basically expressing the Prime Minister’s views, stated that the US government’s reactions were over the top, and unexpected.


US Amb. Pearce: Release of terrorist Xiros would be considered ‘unfriendly act’

A looming political and diplomatic incident between the leftist Greek government and the US administration may be looming over the provisional release of notorious “Nov. 17″ assassin Savvas Xiros.

The prospect of the one-time church mural painter, by day, and ultra Marxist urban terroist by has generated heightened criticism by Washington.


US expedites arms shipments to Saudi-led coalition

The United States has stepped up weapons deliveries in support of a Saudi-led coalition resisting the advance of Shiite rebels in Yemen, a senior US official said April 7.
"Saudi Arabia is sending a strong message to the Huthis and their allies that they cannot overrun Yemen by force," Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters in the Saudi capital.
