Alexei Navalny

Joe Biden Had Phone Talk with Vladimir Putin, Raised Some Sore Issues

US President Joe Biden has had his first call with Vladimir Putin, the White House and Kremlin said.

Mr Biden raised concerns about the arrest of opposition figure Alexei Navalny while pressing the Russian president on his nation's involvement in a massive cyber espionage campaign and bounties on American troops in Afghanistan, US officials said.

EU Prepares Joint Reaction On the Situation in Russia

EU foreign ministers are to consider how to react following the jailing of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny and mass detentions at demonstrations across the country.

Three Baltic states are calling for sharper EU sanctions on Moscow, but most member states seem minded to wait a little longer before resorting to more restrictive measures ahead of Monday's talks.

ForMin Aurescu: Romania has condemned Navalny's arrest, as unacceptable

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu recalled Monday in Brussels that Romania has condemned the arrest of Russian opponent Alexei Navalny and noted the repression of the latter's support demonstrations on Russian territory, stressing that freedom of assembly and freedom of expression cannot be annulled.

"Dear citizens, this gathering is illegal": Chaos and arrests in Moscow VIDEO / PHOTO

However, the Russian police announced that about 4.000 demonstrators had gathered, Russian news agency TASS reports.
TASS writes that police officers on the ground continue to warn that the rally is illegal, while arresting the most active participants.
