Ali Yerlikaya

Erdoğan condemns xenophobia after alleged child abuse

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has urged the public to avoid xenophobia after allegations surfaced on June 30 that a Syrian national molested a child in the central city of Kayseri.

"One cannot get anywhere with xenophobia in society," Erdoğan stated at a gathering of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the capital Ankara on July 1.

Police fine dozens of drivers for misuse of flashing lights

Turkish authorities have taken legal action against 189 drivers for using unauthorized flashing lights on their vehicles, Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announced on June 30.

The crackdown was part of a broader inspection campaign conducted between June 20 and 27, during which over 2.7 million vehicles were scrutinized, Yerlikaya informed in a social media post.
