Alkis Konstantinidis/Reuters

Greek museums reopen

A National Archaeological Museum employee wears a face protective mask while walking next to statues, as museums open following the easing of measures against the spread of coronavirus disease (Covid-19), in Athens, Monday. [Alkis Konstantinidis/Reuters]

Churches hold Easter service with physical distancing rules

People maintain social distancing during an Easter service open for the public, as the Orthodox Easter was not celebrated by faithful in churches last April, because of a nationwide lockdown against the spread of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19), in Athens, Tuesday. [Alkis Konstantinidis/Reuters]


Refugees and migrants board their flight to Britain at Athens International Airport

A person wears a protective face mask as a precaution against the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) as refugees and migrants from overcrowded migrant camps who will be transferred to Britain where they will reunite with their families, board their flight at Athens International Airport, Monday. [Alkis Konstantinidis/Reuters]

City Hall takes care of vulnerable with ‘Help at Home Plus’

Municipal worker Ioannis Chrysanthakopoulos, 39, carries goods for pensioner Vassiliki Chalari, 83, as part of the Athens Municipality's "Help at Home Plus" program that has been extended to members of vulnerable groups, including the elderly, who face particular challenges during the Covid-19 lockdown.