Christos Stylianides

Commission chief writes to Greek PM to express condolences over deadly fires

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker wrote to Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Tuesday to express his condolences for the loss of life from a devastating wildfire in eastern Attica.

It is with a heavy heart that I have learnt that many people have tragically lost their lives in devastating fires in Athens, Greece," Juncker wrote.

EU Steps up Humanitarian Aid in Somalia with €89.5 Million

Brussels, 11 July 2018

The European Union has released €89.5 million in humanitarian assistance to Somalia and Djibouti, as millions are grappling with the consequences of prolonged extreme weather conditions.

The funding comes ahead of the Somalia Partnership Forum co-hosted by the European Union taking place next week over 16-17 July.

Commission announces new emergency support to help refugees in Greece

The European Commission announced Monday new funding of 180 million euros for aid projects in Greece, including to expand the flagship Emergency Support to Integration & Accommodation (ESTIA) program.

ESTIA helps get refugees into urban accommodation and out of camps and provides them with regular cash assistance.

EU to Give Turkey More Funding to Extend Migrant Dea

Notwithstanding a rise in tensions between Brussels and Ankara - recently exacerbated by Turkey's increasingly aggressive stance toward Greece and Cyprus - the European Commission will be approving an additional 3 billion euros in funding for Syrian refugees living in Turkey, EU officials said on Wednesday, Ekathimerini reported.

EU to give Turkey more funding to extend migrant deal

Notwithstanding a rise in tensions between Brussels and Ankara - recently exacerbated by Turkey's increasingly aggressive stance toward Greece and Cyprus - the European Commission will be approving an additional 3 billion euros in funding for Syrian refugees living in Turkey, EU officials said on Wednesday.

European Commission announces new initiative for natural disaster management

A new plan being put forward by the European Commission for managing natural disasters like the deadly flash floods that hit western Attica last week contains significant incentives for European Union member-states to strengthen their prevention and management systems.

Vucic: Letter to EU complete but will be delivered later

BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday the text of Serbia's letter to the EU over the Catalan referendum was complete and that he had already signed the letter, but that it would be delivered to Brussels at a later date at Spain's request for fear of escalating the situation in that country.
