Costas Tasoulas

Scientists expand excavation of ancient Amphipolis

By Costas Kantouris

Scientists have opened the second phase of their excavation of the vast 4th-century BC burial mound in Amphipolis town in search of more tombs and bodies.

The first search of the site, which was built shortly after Alexander the Great's death, discovered and dug up a tomb containing a skeleton.

Greece has spent 590,000 euros on Amphipolis tomb so far, says minister

The cost of excavation operations on Kasta Hill in Serres, northeastern Greece, has not exceeded the sum of 590,000 euros, Culture Minister Costas Tasoulas told Parliament on Monday.

Tasoulas presented the information to the House following a question by Independent Greeks MP Nikos Nikolopoulos.

Return of Parthenon Marbles ‘a just cause’

 Clooney backs Greek campaign; minister says legal action not on cards yet

Human rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin Clooney, who is married to American actor George, on Wednesday said that Greece had “just cause” in seeking the return of the Parthenon Marbles from the British Museum, speaking of an “injustice that has persisted for too long.”