Cristina Zaharia

Iohannis:Policy-makers failed to refrain from issuing laws which are more damaging than helpful in education

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Friday that "a wrong way to legislate" of policy-makers in the education area has effects, especially in higher education. "Here, in Sibiu, around the university, a functional ecosystem was created, which includes actors of the economic milieu, the civil society and the administration.

BusinessMin Oprea: Romanian entrepreneurs should get our of their comfort zone, which is EU

An active presence and increasingly clear of the Romanian companies on the market in Vietnam is necessary and the Romanian entrepreneurs should get out of their comfort zone and stop doing business in the European Union only, Minister of Business Enviroinment, Trade and Entrepreneurship Stefan-Radu Oprea stated on Friday at the Romania-Vietnam Business Forum organised in Bucharest.

Speaker Ciolacu: We need to develope a culture of security to respond, first of all, to unconventional aggressions - cyber media

Security is a current priority of the institutions, local communities and citizens and we need to develop a culture of security in order to respond, first of all, to such unconventional aggressions as cyber media, but also to the economic ones, Speaker of the Deputies' Chamber Marcel Ciolacu stated on Thursday. "We have a major deficit in terms of security culture in Romania.

European Commission reimburses 104 million euros to Romania under Technical Assistance Operational Programme

The European Commission reimbursed 104 million euros to Romania out of the total 121 million euros that were supposed to be reimbursed under the Technical Assistance Operational Programme (TAOP) 2014-2020, according to data released by the Ministry of European Funds (MFE).

Official Minzatu: Romania has an European funds absorption rate of 32 pct, below EU average

Romania has an European funds absorption rate of 32 per cent, for the 2014-2020 programming period, which is below the European average, Minister of European Funds Roxana Minzatu told a press conference on major infrastructure projects on Wednesday .

Industrial production prices up 3.3pct year-on-year, in August 2019

Romania's industrial production prices overall (domestic market and foreign market) were down 0.3 percent in August 2019 compared to July 2019, but they increased by 3.3 percent against August 2018, showed the data published on Wednesday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).

President Iohannis to attend official opening of Europalia International Arts Festival in Brussels

AGERPRES special correspondent Florentina Peia reports: President Klaus Iohannis will attend on Tuesday, in Brussels, the official opening of the Europalia International Arts Festival, Romania being the guest country. President Klaus Iohannis's visit to Brussels takes place at the invitation extended by King Philippe.

PM of Republic of Moldova attends opening of university year in Timisoara: Big challenge - the young to return home

Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu, who is currently paying a visit to Timisoara, where she participated as a guest of honour in the opening of the new university year at West University of Timisoara (UVT), on Saturday told AGERPRES that the young people who graduate in Romania do not usually return home and this is a big challenge for the authorities in Chisinau.
