Daniel Florea

PM Citu orders hire investigation at national water authority

Prime Minister Florin Citu has ordered his control team to investigate the situation at Apele Romane national water authority following a press story on the hire of a young woman without minimum qualifications. "Following the story in the public space, I have asked the Prime Minister's Control Team to investigate the situation at Apele Romane.

Acquisition of 1,358 new ambulances with European funds, 1,122 vehicles already delivered

Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration, Cseke Attila, signed today seven additional contracts worth a combined of approximately 559 million lei for the purchase of 1,358 medical vehicles under the Regional Operational Program (ROP) 2014 - 2020.

PM Citu urges investment resources to avoid tragedies such as fire at Matei Bals hospital

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Friday that the shortcomings of the Romanian healthcare system were also reflected in the case of the recent fire tragedy at the Matei Bals hospital, emphasising that there is a need to allocate as many resources as possible for investment. "The shortcomings of the Romanian healthcare system have made their presence felt even today (...) in this tragedy.

Dan Barna: By April 30 at latest, PNRR to be officially sent to Brussels

Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna announced on Thursday that the series of working meetings dedicated to updating the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) has been opened, adding that by April 30 at the latest, PNRR will be officially sent to the European Commission, according to a Government press release.

PM Citu assures Association of Cities national state budget secures scholarships

Prime Minister Florin Citu has assured the Association of Romanian Cities (AOR) that the national budget distribution, as conceived in the draft budget for the current year, will secure "funding for scholarships, and, as provided, 90% of the funding the rights of persons with disabilities and their carers." According to a government's Facebook post, at a meeting on Thursday, Citu and AOR offici

PM Citu: The targets in the 2021 budget remain the same; gov't deficit at 7%

The government deficit target in Romania's 2021 national budget remains at 7%, Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Wednesday, adding that a multi-annual budget will be introduced for the first time. "The targets remain the same, we are setting the deficit at 7%, we hope to reach 7%, 7% - 7.1%, but we are going around that figure.

PM Citu: Romania strongly supports fight against all forms of discrimination, hate speech and anti-Semitism

Romania strongly supports the fight against all forms of discrimination and all ways of spreading them, hate speech and anti-Semitism, Prime Minister Florin Citu conveyed in a message on the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Less than 10,000 teaching staff get immunised against COVID-19

Chairman of the National COVID-19 Vaccination Activities Committee (CNCAV) Valeriu Gheorgita said on Tuesday that less than 10,000 teaching staff have so far been immunised. "I think there were about 7,000 people, as far as I know. I am not able to give you the data from yesterday [Monday], but we are talking about less than 10,000 teaching staff vaccinated.

Gov't state pension outlays to increase by almost 8bn lei in 2021 from 2020

State pension outlays in the 2021 state budget is already increasing by almost 8 billion from last year, according to Prime Minister Florin Citu, who also says that adjusting pensions for inflation will be addressed according to the legislation in force. "Pension expenditure in the 2021 budget is already increasing by almost 8 billion lei from last year, from last year's pension increase.
