Emil Kelevedzhiev

Bulgaria Ranks Fifth in All-time Medal Tally of International Olympiad in Informatics

Sofia. Bulgaria ranks fifth in the all-time medal tally of the International Olympiad in Informatics, the coach of the national informatics team, Emil Kelevedzhiev, said in an interview for Focus Radio. The Bulgarian team won one gold and three bronze medals at this year's International Olympiad in Informatics in Japan.

Bulgarian High School Students Win Gold, 2 Silver Medals at International Olympiad in Informatics

Bulgarian high school students have won one gold and two silver medals at the XXVII International Olympiad in Informatics in Almati, Kazakhstan.

The competition took place on July 26 - 31, 2015, according to a media statement of Bulgaria's Ministry of Education and Science.

Bulgarian Students Win 3 Medals at Int'l Informatics Olympiad

A Bulgarian team won two gold medals and a silver medal at the 26th International Olympiad in Informatics held on July 13-20 in Taiwan.

A total of 316 competitors from 82 countries took part in the competition, according to reports of Dnevnik Daily, as cited by Bulgarian software engineering services company Musala Soft.