Florin Citu

PM Citu: In 2020 we halted collapse of economy generated by health crisis; there will be solid growth in 2021

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Thursday that in 2020 the collapse of the economy generated by the health crisis was halted and "the fastest recovery in history after a period of crisis" was generated, adding that in 2021 there will be a solid growth. "In 2020 we halted the economic downturn caused by the health crisis and generated the fastest recovery in history after a period of crisis.

CFR Calatori CEO: We'll probably end 2020 with 300-something ml lei in losses

The National Railway Company's passenger arm CFR Calatori will most likely end 2020 with losses of over 300 million lei, but this is still less than the 680 million lei budgeted at the beginning of the year, the company's CEO Dan Costescu declared on Wednesday.

PM Citu: We intend to move to second stage of vaccination in middle of next week

The government intends to start the second stage of anti-COVID-19 vaccination as of the middle of next week, Prime Minister Florin Citu told an online video conference with prefects on Tuesday. In this context, he spoke of the need to prepare the more than 900 vaccination centres in the country.

PM Florin Citu, on New Year's Eve: I promise I will do everything to relaunch economy in 2021

Prime Minister Florin Citu promises Romanians, on New Year's Eve, that he and his team will "do everything" for the economy to recover in 2021. "We cannot do this alone. Only with you," the Prime Minister said in a message posted on his Facebook page on Thursday. As this year ends and a new one is beginning, he wanted to thanks Romanians for being "together" as a team in 2020.

Citu: Holiday vouchers of 1,450 lei to be granted to public-sector employees in 2021

Bucharest, Dec 30 /Agerpres/ - Prime Minister Florin Citu announced on Wednesday that in 2021 holiday vouchers in the amount of 1,450 lei will be granted to public-sector employees, this measure being included in the emergency ordinance on fiscal measures initiated by the Ministry of Finance.

PM Citu: Salaries and bonuses in the public sector to stay at the December 20 level

 Prime Minister Florin Citu on Wednesday said that the salaries and bonuses of the central and local public administration staff, including of those holding public offices, will remain at the level of December 2020 next year. "Related to the ordinance initiated by the Ministry of Public Finance, this ordinance ensures a budget saving of almost 17.6 billion lei for 2021.

PM Citu: We will build 2021 budget with deficit of 7pct of GDP

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Monday that the 2021 budget will be built with a deficit of 7 per cent of GDP, which shows the commitment to fiscal consolidation, noting that it is a budget that does not put a brake on the economy. "We have already seen discussions in the public space and we need to clarify for next year's budget what measures remain and how they will be extended.

PM Citu: First person vaccinated against COVID-19 in Romania - reference moment in fight against virus

Bucharest, Dec 27 /Agerpres/ - Prime Minister Florin Citu considers that the moment of vaccinating the first person against COVID-19 in Romania is a "historical", "reference" one for Romania in the fight against the new coronavirus.
