Fumio Kishida

“Ironclad”: In nearly hour-long phone call, Japan’s Abe stands with Trump on North Korea

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and American President Donald Trump vowed to take “concrete actions” to discourage further North Korean belligerence following yet another missile launch last week in an extended phone conversation Monday.

EU, Japan schedule summit to strike trade deal

The European Union and Japan will hold a summit on July 6 in hopes of sealing broad agreement on a massive trade deal after four years of tough negotiations.

The landmark deal would mark a big victory for free trade just days before a G-20 summit in Germany in which U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to defend his "America First" protectionist stance.

Japan-EU trade deal 'almost there': Europe official

The European Union's top trade official said on July 1 that a Japan-EU free trade deal was "almost there," as the two sides look to ink an agreement seen as a push back against rising protectionism.

EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom was in Tokyo with agriculture commissioner Phil Hogan for two days of talks with Japanese officials.

Japan is Turkey's key economic partner in Asia-Pacific: FM Çavuşoğlu

Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu on June 21 described Japan as Turkey's chief economic partner in the Asia-Pacific area.     

His remarks came after meeting his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida in Tokyo to discuss bilateral relations, and regional and global issues as part of a two-day official visit.       
