
GERB-UDF Likely to Support Anastas Gerdzhikov, Rector of Sofia University Running for President

GERB will support the candidacy of the rector of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" Prof. Anastas Gerdjikov for president, which will be nominated by an independent committee. Such information appeared in several media outlets, citing sources from Boyko Borissov's party.

Head of State: Bulgarian Foreign Policy Must Create Friends, Not Enemies

''My mandate started with the formation of a caretaker government. The office of Prof. Gerdzhikov fulfilled his duties properly and held parliamentary elections. For the first year of my mandate, I promulgated 86 laws. I exercised this power, guided by the position that they are harming Bulgarian citizens'', Bulgarian President Rumen Radev stated.

Caretaker PM Ognyan Gerdzhikov Wants a Plan to Enter the Antechamber of the Eurozone

''Bulgaria must give a clear signal that we want to enter the antechamber of the Eurozone - ERM2, said caretaker Prime Minister Gerdzhikov, calling the European exchange rate mechanism ''the most intimate circle of the EU'', according to BTA.