Hillary Clinton

Victory for the liberal warmongers

Liberal warmongers lost the last U.S. election but have won the day! Finally, they have managed to get someone to strike Syria.That is not to say that President Donald Trump is a man of peace. Besides, his foreign policy vision is full of contradictions; on one hand, he promised no more U.S.

Hillary Clinton calls for US to bomb Syria

In her first interview since her stunning presidential election defeat by Republican rival Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton on Thursday called for the United States to bomb Syrian air fields.

Clinton, in an interview at the Women in the World Summit in New York, also called Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election a theft more damaging than Watergate.

Stanford accepts Muslim Teenager who wrote ‘BlackLivesMatter’ 100 times on application!

Stanford University, one of America’s most prestigious institutions of higher learning, has reportedly accepted the application of a Muslim teenager whose application included the repition of the slogan “blacklivesmatter” exactly 100 times.

Bill and Hillary Clinton pay tribute to late 'friend' David Rockefeller

Bill and Hillary Clinton have led the tributes to deceased billionaire banker David Rockefeller, who has died at his New York home aged 101.

The Clintons remembered Rockefeller Monday as a "kind, good man" and expressed their gratitude for his "friendship and his remarkable life" in a joint statement, published on the Clinton Foundation website.

Saudi Prince declares Trump a “True Friend of Muslims”, expresses support for travel ban!

Following a successful meeting between Donald Trump and his senior advisor, the Saudi Arabian Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman described Trump as a “true friend of Muslims,” adding that he respects and supports Trump’s travel ban for people from seven terror prone Muslim majority countries.

Trump on Oscars night mixup: They were too focused on politics (video)

The entertainment industry and Hollywood were outspoken critics of Donald Trump and staunch supporters of Hillary Clinton. It was therefore no surprise that the night of the Oscars was the perfect platform for the TV stars and celebrities to lash out against the new President of the United States. But Donald Trump has proven he is not one to take it sitting down.
