Humphrey Bogart

Lollobrigida, Italy’s wickedly witty screen goddess

One of the last icons of the Golden Age of Hollywood, Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida, whose death at the age of 95 was announced on Jan. 16, was famed for her biting wit and sensual beauty.

Bringing much-needed glamour and pizzazz to the post-war period, she stirred hearts whether as an onscreen gypsy, queen or single mother.

10 veterans who became actors

Not all actors had that ‘Hollywood’ life style from the get go. Some had the tough job of being in military service. These ten actors are household names, they’ve gone on to great things, and they all have one thing in common – they are veterans. Some of them made use of military education benefits to further their careers.

Actress Lauren Bacall dies at 89

Lauren Bacall, the sultry actress with the heavy-lidded eyes and husky voice who captured Humphrey Bogart's heart both on and off the movie screen, died on Aug. 11 at the age of 89.

"With deep sorrow, yet with great gratitude for her amazing life, we confirm the passing of Lauren Bacall," the estate of the Bogart family said on a verified Twitter account.