Ileana Dumitru

Romanian authorities seize smuggled cigarettes worth approx 15 million euros in 2019

Over 150 million smuggled cigarettes, worth 71 million lei (Rs 15 million euros), were seized by the Romanian authorities in 2019, the equivalent of a 40 pct increase compared to the previous year, shows data centralized by the Stop Smuggling portal, quoted by the British American Tobacco (BAT) in a press release, sent to AGERPRES on Friday.

Black market of cigarettes rises slightly in November to 15.4pct of total consumption

The black market of cigarettes rose slightly in November 2018, to 15.4pct of total consumption, by 0.1 percentage points more than in September 2018, according to a Novel Research survey.

The annual average illicit cigarette trade in 2018 is 16.3pct, up from 16pct as it was in 2017.