Klaus Iohannis

President Iohannis sends condolences to families of victims of the tragic incident that occured near Genoa

President Klaus Iohannis is deeply saddened by the tragic incident that occurred on Tuesday near Genoa, killing tens of persons, among whom two Romanian citizens, informs a release of the Presidential Administration remitted to AGERPRES.

President Iohannis attends Romanian Navy Day festivities in Constanta

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday attended in Constanta the celebrations occasioned by the Romanian Navy Day, according to a press release of the Presidential Administration.

The head of the state attended the festivities organized on the Constanta coast in front of the Fleet Command headquarters.

PSD: Instead of being the elected one to unite (us), Iohannis chooses to become the Divider

The Social Democratic Party (PSD), major at rule, claims that President of Romania Klaus Iohannis has allowed himself to "encourage anarchic, anti-PSD and anti-governmental street protests," urging him "to show responsibility, behave and act as president of the Romanians, to contribute to the consolidation of democratic rights and liberties, of a genuine rule of law."

Gun snatched from woman gendarme during protest violence still missing, 30 complaints filed so far

Bucharest, Aug 13 /Agerpres/ - First prosecutor with the Military Prosecution Office attached to the Bucharest Military Tribunal Ionel Corbu said on Monday that the gun snatched from the woman gendarme who was beaten during the violent incidents at Friday's protest is still missing.

President Iohannis: I firmly condemn brutal intervention of Gendarmerie; Interior Minister must explain urgently

Bucharest, Aug 10 /Agerpres/ - President Klaus Iohannis firmly condemns the brutal intervention of the Gendarmerie against the demonstrators in Victory Square and underlines that Interior Minister Carmen Dan must urgently explain the way in which she managed the events.

PSD's Dragnea: For Iohannis normality is to overthrow a government and break parliamentary majority through violence

Bucharest, Aug 10 /Agerpres/ - Speaker of the Deputies Chamber, Liviu Dragnea, and leader of the PSD (Social Democratic Party), stated that for President Klaus Iohannis normality means to overthrow a government and break the parliamentary majority through violence.
