Martin Schulz

PM Tsipras meets Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Turkey

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras met with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for about one hour in Turkey and they stressed the need to confront the violence and to promote the interfaith dialogue.

Mr. Tsipras stressed also the need for cooperation with Turkey highlighting that the issue is very high on the discussions agenda that he will have in Ankara later today.

Schultz: Europe to allocate money to the countries that accept refugees

President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz asked for a refugee redistribution system offering as an incentive financial aid to countries that are willing to accept refugees.

During an interview to the German radio station ‘NDR’, Mr. Shultz warned EU leaders that “if Europeans do not agree now, then the situation will get a lot worse’.

Two more child migrants drown off Greece amid angry protests

Two children drowned overnight off the Greek island of Kos when a boat carrying migrants sank, officials said on Nov 5, as protests were held against rising migrant deaths.
The two children had boarded a dinghy in Turkey with their families to set sail for Kos, whose northern coast lies just 250 metres (820 feet) away, port police said.
