Rumyana Bachvarova

Serbia Expresses No Concern About Bulgarian Border Security

During the two meetings with the Interior Minister and the PM of Serbia, no concern was expressed about the way Bulgaria secures its border, stated on Friday in Parliament Interior Minister Rumyana Bachvarova.

"We have a re-admission agreement with Serbia and the applications for re-admission are 116 so far," added Bachvarova.

Serbia: Migrant Pressure From Bulgaria Increases Last Two Weeks

In the last 15 days, there has been increased pressure from illegal migrants trying to enter Serbia from Bulgaria, stated the speaker of the Serbian Defence Ministry, Jovan Krivokapic.

Krivokapic announced that a group of 50 migrants was arrested on Wednesday evening and that they have been sent to detention centres.

Tensions Grow Over Bulgaria's UN Candidate

After UNESCO Director Irina Bokova came only fifth in the fourth ballot for a new UN Secretary-General, reports are rife that Bulgaria may replace her with the European Commission Vice-President, Kristalina Georgieva.

However, Bulgaria's deputy-premier and Minister of Interior, Rumyana Bachvarova, dismissed this on Monday.

Migrants 'Drowned in Danube River' - Bulgarian Police

The bodies of two migrants have been found in the Danube River, near the village of Archar, northwestern Bulgaria, police say.

Most of the Bulgarian section of the Danube serves as a natural border with Romania.

Authorities are now looking for "two boys, two girls and a man" who reportedly also drowned while trying to cross into Romania.

Bulgaria's IntMin 'Not Aware' of Govt Plans to Change UN Top Job Nominee

Bulgarian Interior Minister Rumyana Bachvarova has said she has no information about intentions of the cabinet to replace its nomination of UNESCO head Irina Bokova for the office of UN Secretary General.

Bachvarova, however, has stopped short of denying the reports.

Bulgaria Not Planning to Build New Migrant Centers

Bulgarian Interior Minister Rumyana Bachvarova has said the government does not plan to set up new accommodation centers for migrants.

While on a visit to the border areas between Bulgaria and Turkey, she has voiced the cabinet's confidence the existing infrastructure will help address the current inflow of migrants.

BGN 1.4 M More Collected in Fight Against Smuggling

Since the beginning of the year, BGN 1.4 B more have been collected in taxes, compared to the previous year, stated Interior Minister Rumyana Bachvarova when asked what is being done in the fight against smuggling.

Bachvarova pointed out that over 46 million cigarettes, over 91,000 litres of alcohol and over 79,000 litres of fuel have been confiscated.
