Sergey Shoygu

Vulin, Shoygu: Serbia, Russia carefully building special ties

BELGRADE - Serbia and Russia are carefully building and maintaining special relations, Serbian and Russian Defence Ministers Aleksandar Vulin and Sergey Shoygu agreed at a meeting in Belgrade on Friday.

Vulin and Shoygu - who is in Belgrade for the city's WWII Liberation Day commemorations - met in the old army general staff building.

Serbia Floats Plan to Help Russia De-Mine Syria

A leading Serbian military expert has cast strong doubts on the plans of the Serbian Defence Ministry to depoly troops in de-mining operations in Syria with Russia by the end of 2018.

Aleksandar Radic, an expert on military issues, told BIRN that Minister Zoran Djordjevic's pledge was a "wrong, easily given political promise".

Erik Prince’s mercenaries are bombing Libya

On Jan. 11, 2017, Intelligence Online — a professional journal covering the world’s intelligence services — revealed that the pilots of Air Tractor attack planes flying from Al Khadim air base in Libya are private contractors working for Erik Prince, the founder of the company formerly known as Blackwater.


Vucic: Serbia to get MiG-29s, tanks, armoured vehicles from Russia

MOSCOW - As a token of support, Russia will give Serbia six MiG-29 planes as a gift, and the three stages of upgrading them will cost us 180-230 mln euros, PM Aleksandar Vucic said after a meeting with Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu Wednesday, Sputnik reported.

If you calculate the costs of buying such planes, you will see they would cost us around 600 mln euros, he said.

Dacic: Vucic's agreement with Shoygu historic

BELGRADE - Serbian FM Ivica Dacic said Wednesday PM Aleksandar Vucic's agreement with Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu was of historic significance for Serbia.

Vucic was in Moscow earlier in the day to finalise a deal on Serbia's acquisition of modern fighter planes and discuss other aspects of military economic and military education cooperation.

Vucic to meet with Shoygu Wednesday to discuss purchase of MiGs

BELGRADE - Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic will be on a one-day visit to Moscow on Wednesday to meet with Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu.

Vucic and Shoygu will finalise agreements on Serbia's purchase of modern fighter planes and discuss all other aspects of military economic and military education cooperation, Vucic's office announced.
