Simona Iacob

USR PLUS: Health care reform moving forward, regardless of PSD's attempts to stand in the way

The health system reform is moving further, regardless of the Social Democratic Party (PSD)'s "desperate attempts" to stand in the way, "hurling lies to the left and to the right at Minister Vlad Voiculescu", reads the message conveyed on Wednesday by Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity Alliance (USR PLUS), after the simple motion against the Minister of Health was rejec

COVID vaccination campaign / 45,977 people inoculated in last 24 hours

The National COVID Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNCAV) informs that 45,077 people have received the coronavirus jab in the past 24 hours, with 28,055 injected with the Pfizer vaccine, 7,827 with the Moderna vaccine and 10.095 with the AstraZeneca one, according to data provided by the National Public Health Institute through the National Electronic Vaccinations Registry app.

Border Police activity report: 60 pct plunge in cross-border traveler numbers in 2020

Romania's border traffic plunged almost 60 percent in 2020 compared to the previous year, as approximately 28.5 million people moved in or out of the country. "Traffic values at the border checkpoints stood at about 28.5 million people (23.8 million EU citizens and 4.7 million non-EU citizens), both on the inbound and on the outbound.

Message encouraging investment and economic exchanges after Romanian PM, Slovak Foreign Minister meeting

Prime Minister Florin Citu conveyed today a message encouraging mutual investments and economic exchanges during his meeting with the Slovak Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Ivan Korcok, who is on an official visit to Bucharest. "I had a very good meeting today with the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Ivan Korcok.

ForMin Aurescu:Way Borrell's visit was organised shows Russia is engaged in confrontational stance with the EU

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu appreciated on Tuesday that the way the visit of the head of the EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell was organised, the way the press conference following the talks in Moscow was organised and the expelling of European diplomats that have taken place, all these show that Russia is rather "engaged in confrontational stance" with the EU rather than one of openne

Chamber: Motion/Vlad Voiculescu: Health disaster author in last 30 years is PSD

Minister of Health Vlad Voiculescu declared on Monday that the "direct" author of the last 30 years' "disaster" in the Romanian health system is the Social Democratic Party (PSD). "The direct authors of the last 30 years' disaster in the Romanian health system is PSD and the PSD mafia.

COVID vaccination campaign/ 37,137 people inoculated in past 24 hours, day one for AstraZeneca serum

The National COVID Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNCAV) informs that according to data provided by the National Public Health Institute through the National Electronic Vaccinations Registry app, 37,137 people have received the coronavirus jab in the past 24 hours, with 27,290 injected with the Pfizer vaccine, 3,035 with the Moderna, and 6,812 with the AstraZeneca serum.

Barna: Elimination of lawmakers' special pensions on agenda of Joint Standing Bureaus on Tuesday

The abolition of the lawmakers' special pensions will be on the agenda of the Joint Standing Bureaus of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday, most likely to enter the plenary session on Wednesday, Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna announced.

HealthMin assures bill under Parliament debate does not mandate COVID vaccination

The Health Ministry supports the vaccination law, Minister Vlad Voiculescu declared today, explaining that there is a vaccination bill under Parliament debate, which is not related to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. "It's good to clarify this. There is a bill under Parliament debate, but there is no connection between this piece of legislation and the COVID-19 vaccination. There was a confusion.
