Vanya Gaberova

Bulgarian Defendants Deny Espionage Charges in UK Court Appearance

At the Old Bailey court, five out of the six Bulgarians accused of espionage in the United Kingdom pleaded not guilty to charges of participating in a spy network allegedly operating on behalf of Russia. The group is accused of acting under the instructions of Austrian national Jan Marsalek, who is wanted for his involvement in a major financial fraud scheme.

Former Bulgarian Swimmer Arrested in UK on Espionage Charges for Russia

Another Bulgarian national has been apprehended in the United Kingdom on allegations of espionage for Russia. The court in London has determined that 38-year-old Tihomir Ivanchev will remain in custody indefinitely, joining five other compatriots who have been detained for espionage-related offenses for over a year.

Sixth Bulgarian Charged in Alleged Russian Spy Network Case in London

British authorities have announced the arrest of a sixth Bulgarian man suspected of involvement in a Russian spy network operating within the United Kingdom. Tihomir Ivanov Ivanchev, 38, from Acton, West London, faces charges of conspiracy to commit espionage, according to statements released by British police on Tuesday.