Xu Feihong

ForMin Melescanu meets Ambassador Xu Feihong; both officials appreciate positive developments of Romanian-Chinese relations

Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu welcomed on Friday Ambassador of the People's Republic of China (PRC) Xu Feihong, on his farewell visit, occasion on which the two officials appreciated the positive development of the Romanian-Chinese relations, based in recent years on a political intense dialogue both at government and parliamentary level.

Chinese Ambassador: Confucius Institute furthers relationship between Romanian and Chinese people

The Confucius Institute and Confucius classes contribute to the development of relations between the Chinese and Romanian peoples, Ambassador of China to Romania Xu Feihong declared on Thursday, while attending the official opening of the first Confucius class in Hunedoara city.


Chinese company starts works at residential project in Craiova

Prime Minister Victor Ponta and Chinese Ambassador Xu Feihong attended on Tuesday the opening of a works site in Craiova, where a Chinese company builds a residential neighbourhood.

Photo credit: (c) Nicolae BADEA / AGERPRES PHOTO

The project is a pilot investment in Romania, the first signed by a local administration with a Chinese company.

IntMin Oprea: China has Romania's respect and friendship

Deputy Prime Minister, Interior Minister Gabriel Oprea on Tuesday said that the People's Republic of China has Romania's respect and friendship and voiced the conviction that the mandate of the new Chinese Ambassador in Bucharest, Xu Feihong, will further strengthen the friendship relation between the two states.

Photo credit: (c) Alex Micsik / AGERPRES ARCHIVE