Acids in wine

Scientist Developed Technology that turns Coffee Grounds into Alcohol

The taste of the drink resembles that of beer

Scientists from the National University of Singapore have developed a system for converting coffee grounds into alcohol, according to the school's website.

According to experts, the alcoholic beverages obtained in this way are saturated with biologically active substances and amino acids.

'Cyborg' Bacteria Deliver Green Fuel Source From Sunlight

Scientists have created bacteria covered in tiny semiconductors that generate a potential fuel source from sunlight, carbon dioxide and water, reported BBC.

The so-called "cyborg" bugs produce acetic acid, a chemical that can then be turned into fuel and plastic.

In lab experiments, the bacteria proved much more efficient at harvesting sunlight than plants.

Sunken Mediterranean treasure: A secret for better wine

Divers scavenging in shipwrecks slumbering at the bottom of the North Sea since World War II were disappointed not to find dazzling troves of gold and jewels.

As consolation, not only did they turn up decades-old wine, but the wine came with a bonus: it was better than equivalent vintages selling for top dollar in luxury caves.

10 Things every woman should know about wine

Too often, when we sit down for dinner at a great restaurant, the server hands the wine list to the man and expects him to make all the decisions about drinking. Fortunately, that’s changing—now, sommeliers are increasingly female, and it’s common practice to pour a taste of a bottle for both the man and woman.