
Top military brass assesses potential Turkish op into eastern Syria

Turkey's top military brass and Defense Minister Hulusi Akar held a security meeting on July 25 and discussed a potential military operation into northeastern Syria, immediately after three-day long talks with a senior American delegation over setting up a safe zone along the Turkish-Syrian border.

Defense ministers stick to positions but agree to keep in contact

Greek and Turkish defense ministers Evangelos Apostolakis and Hulusi Akar embrace during Wednesday's NATO summit in Brussels. The two men met on the sidelines of the summit amid heightened tensions between the two countries over Turkey's actions in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea.

Esper: Turkey faces sanctions if it buys Russian system

Acting US Defense Secretary Mark Esper is making it clear to Turkey that it will face economic sanctions if it goes ahead with the purchase of a Russian missile defense system.

Esper met with Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar on Wednesday during a NATO meeting. Officials say there was no progress in the stand-off between the two allies.
