Ancient Greek theatre

‘Six women in Greek Tragedy’ this summer beneath the heights of the Acropolis.

The premiere of "Six Women in Greek Tragedy," an arrangement of plays written by Greece's major tragedians, Euripides, Sophocles and Aeschylus, is set for June 22, 2024.

This open-air Ancient Greek theatre performance, directed by Panos Angelopoulos, will be hosted at the Athens University History Museum, in the hub of Plaka, beneath the heights of the Acropolis.

Closing the wound

A year has passed since the tragedy at Tempe which scarred our collective soul. Like others investigative initiatives before it, the parliamentary committee assembled to probe the deadly train crash expended itself on public relations stunts; its hollow proceedings were an insult to the families of the victims and to the public as a whole, who demand answers.

‘Is this my country?’

There are times to keep silent. When we can only lower our heads and allow words that must be heard to fly unimpeded to the farthest corners of the land, to wherever on earth Greeks dwell. Because, despite the great progress of the past 200 years, we must acknowledge that our country still does not secure the basic needs of its children, of all its inhabitants.

Once the shock wears off

Every major tragedy in Greece is met with a lot of dust and noise. Briefly. Then the matter vanishes. The course of justice is desperately slow. Catharsis takes so long in coming, the matter is forgotten or loses its urgency. 

Wake-up call

Wednesday's tragedy at Tempe in central Greece should serve as a wake-up call for the entire political system. Answers will be demanded over the lives that were lost and those that were irreparably damaged by injury or trauma, as will decisions that will ensure such a tragedy never happens again.
