Andrea Nahles

Angela Merkel Will Quit as Christian Democrat Party Chairwoman

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has told leaders of her party that she will not seek re-election as chairwoman at a conference in early December, a senior senior party source said.

Despite stepping down from her role as chairwoman of the Christian Democrats, Merkel maintains that she will remain as chancellor. 

Martin Schulz Withdrew from the Leadership of the German Social Democrats

Social Democratic Party leader Martin Schulz announced his resignation, DPA reported. Shortly after, the party's leadership announced that it supported the chairman of the SPD parliamentary group Andrea Nahles for the post. Her candidacy will be voted on by party members on April 22.

Germany Cuts Social Benefits for EU Member-States Citizens

The German government approved a law on Wednesday which stipulates that citizens of other EU member-states who have not worked in Germany will not be eligible to apply for full compensation for unemployment during the first five years of their stay in Germany, reported BTA, citing Associated Press.