Angel investors

HDB – Hellenic Development Bank is now a member of EBAN

The Hellenic Development Bank-HDB is now participating as a new full member of the European Business Angels Network (EBAN), according to a relevant announcement.

The European Business Angels Network (EBAN) is the leading network of early stage investors in Europe, according to the announcement.

Angel investments amount to $102 mln in 2019

Angel investments amounted to $102 million in Turkey in 2019, up 66 percent on an annual basis, an official said on Feb. 17.

Turkey is the fourth largest angel investment country in Europe with 141 angel investors, Lütfi Elvan, the chairman of parliament's planning and budget committee, told the World Congress of the World Business Angel Investment Forum (WBAF 2020) in Istanbul.

Angel investors to meet in Istanbul

The World Congress of Angel Investors 2020 (WBAF 2020) will start in Istanbul next week on Feb. 17 with hundreds of participants from 92 countries.

WBAF 2020 will host 132 international speakers on 24 panels, including angel investors, venture capitalists, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and business leaders from around the globe, Anadolu Agency reported.

Angel investors association to represent Turkey abroad

The Business Angels Association of Turkey (TBAA) became the first national member of the Global Business Angels Network (GBAN), the association announced at the Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Milan.

The TBAA will represent Turkey at the global community of business angels and early stage markets, the association said by a written statement on March 23.