
Challenging received wisdom

There are silent truths and there are silent lies. Silent truths are usually so self-evident ("night follows day") that we don't need to articulate them. Lies of silence are more potent. They are easier to tell but more painful when they come to light. We know they are there, but we don't admit it.

Premature celebrations

The rift in Turkey's relations with the United States - prompted by its decision to acquire a Russian missile defense system in defiance of Washington's objections - in tandem with the consolidation of the Greece-Cyprus-Israel alliance  has, not unjustifiably, raised national expectations over Greece's geopolitical future.

Obnoxious annoyance

Every day, thousands of citizens feel that their privacy, the sanctuary of their home, is being violated when they receive annoying and insistent calls from sundry companies promoting their products and services.

Turkey welcomes tourists with guide dogs

As the president of Turkey's Guide Dog Association, I often need to travel locally and internationally to promote our work. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to visit these places and connect to the people who live there. As a visually impaired traveler, visiting an unfamiliar place can cause me some anxiety if it does not have the facilities to accommodate me.

Quitting smoking reduces anxiety, research shows

Smokers who successfully quit feel less anxious afterwards, according to new research from King’s College London in collaboration with the Universities of Southampton, Oxford and Cambridge.
The findings, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, contradict a widely held belief that smoking relieves stress and giving up makes people feel more on edge.

The homeless modernizers

There seems to be intense anxiety within the modernizing wing of the center-left in Greece even though many insist on talking about holding a constructive discussion, others announce moves, meetings are organized, candidacies are declared and so on.

These may be symptoms of isolation and loneliness that have possibly intensified because of the summer heat.

10 traits of people with high emotional intelligence

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have an unlimited amount of success in both their personal and professional lives? It could be because they possess high emotional intelligence.
According to Psychology Today, “Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others.” This usually involves:

Expensive populism

It is true that there is an enormous need for measures and initiatives that will provide support to the most vulnerable members of our society, alleviating their anxiety and suffering.
