
AgriMin Petre Daea: Priorities related to innovation and digitization, our commitment to strengthening EU role globally

Agriculture Minister Petre Daea attended the World Food and Agriculture Forum in Berlin, an event organized on the sidelines of the International Green Week exhibition, the topic chosen for this year being "Agriculture Goes Digital - Smart Solutions for Future Farming," informs the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR).

Greek-Chinese relations examined in the 12th Greece-China Joint Ministerial Committee

The Deputy Foreign Minister, Giorgos Katrougalos and head of the Greek delegation stated during the 12th Session of the Greek-China Joint Interministerial Committee that “[r]elations between Greece and China, two of the most ancient and most important civilizations of human history, are excellent both politically and economically, but there is considerable scope for further strategic cooperatio

Athens to seek geographical protection for ‘Greek yoghurt’

The Greek ministry of agriculture will push for a geographical protection for “Greek yogurt” considering the rising consumer demand as well as the recent dispute with Prague.

The product name ‘Greek yogurt’ is not protected by a geographical indication but comes under the EU Regulation on the provision of food information to consumers.

Turkey's Malatya apricots get coveted EU geographical brand

After a three-year wait, Turkey's famous home-grown apricot has earned a coveted EU geographical indication, boosting hopes of bolstering the fruit's export and marketing.

According to a statement on July 7 from the Customs and Trade Ministry, apricots produced in the eastern province of Malatya became the second Turkish product to get the EU designation after the Aegean fig.
