B61 nuclear bomb

The US nuclear bomb B61 is covered with sticky tape? Was it a kind of incident? PHOTO

The Pentagon says a photo released by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) of apparent damage to a US nuclear bomb at a Dutch airbase shows a dummy weapon used for training emergency response teams.
FAS released a photo of a B61 bomb being inspected by US soldiers, two of whom are members of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit and one civilian.

The envisaged plan: to fill Europe with nuclear bombs; The deadline has been revealed

That portal referred to the statements of an unnamed U.S. diplomat and two other officials familiar with the case, who requested anonymity.
According to their reports, the original plan was to send those bombs to NATO bases in the spring, but now that deadline has been pushed forward, to this December.

The United States Intends to Deploy Modernized Nuclear Weapons in Europe

The US Congressional Budget Office has reported that the Pentagon plans to allocate about 25 billion dollars for the modernization of tactical nuclear forces in the next thirty years.

The White House is considering the deployment of its modernized nuclear bombs at European military bases, Sputnik cited a diplomatic source as saying on Tuesday.