
Bangkok says work from home as pollution blankets city

Bangkok city employees have been told to work from home to avoid harmful air pollution, as a layer of noxious haze blanketed the Thai capital on Thursday.

City authorities asked for cooperation from employers to help workers in the city of about 11 million people avoid the pollution, which is expected to last into Friday.

Bangkok Stopped Construction Activities for 3 Days because of the Poor Air Quality

Construction activities at major infrastructure sites in Bangkok have been halted due to air pollution, according to the Nation newspaper.

Construction of skyscrapers, new road junctions and new subway lines has been halted for 72 hours, the release said.

One of the Largest International Military Exercises have Started in Thailand

The international military maneuvers "Cobra Gold" are taking place on the territory of Thailand, they are considered one of the largest in the Asia-Pacific region. More than 11,000 troops from 29 countries will participate in the exercises, the Ministry of Defense announced in the kingdom on Tuesday.
