
EU to Implement Policies for Reduction of Plastic Bags Usage

According to the new rules approved Tuesday in the European Parliament, all member states need to reduce the usage of the most commonly used plastic bags.

The new legislation set on ensuring a beneficial situation for all parts, as stated by EU MP Margrete Auken. She is a member of the party of the Greens in Denmark and has been responsible for outlining trends in a report.

Will this replace the plastic water bottles? (Video)

Ooho, an edible water bottle created by Skipping Rocks Lab in London promises to solve the huge problems created by the use of plastic bottles.

Although convenient, the plastic bottles generate enormous amount of waste and are also a health hazard, while this product’s membrane is edible, biodegradable and very cheap to make.

Romanian young scientists receives Danubius Award for natural anti-microbial packaging

Dan Vodnar, a young scientist of the Romanian city Cluj-Napoca the inventor of anti-microbial packaging derived from gastropod shell, algae and other natural ingredients has become the first Romanian to receive the Danubius Young Scientist Award, the 2014 edition.

European Parliament To Impose Restrictions On Plastic Bags

The EU member states must limit the use of plastic bags by 80% by 2019, according to amendments passed by the European Parliament at first reading. 

The MEPs recommended the imposing of taxes, limitations and bans on use of plastic bags. According to them the discarded plastic bags are one of the main environmental pollutants. 
