
Influential Greek-Cypriot in Chicago’s Greek community dies

The International Coordinating Committee - Justice for Cyprus (PSEKA) has announced the death of Leo Louchios, a "giant" of local politics in Chicago, Illinois.

He was 66 years old.

Born in Nicosia, Louchios arrived in America as a refugee fleeing the brutal Turkish invasion of Cyprus on July 20, 1974.

Trump to Chicago: Fix 'carnage' or the feds are coming

U.S. President Donald Trump threatened late Jan. 24 to send in the "feds" if America's third-largest city of Chicago failed to bring its rampant crime rate under control.

The Republican, who made law and order a key issue in his White House campaign, cited the city's latest shooting and homicide statistics as reported by the Chicago Tribune.

Are Turkish women taking the law into their own hands?

Two images, one from American musicals and another from Turkish newspapers, appear before my eyes when we talk about women who kill in self-defense. The first one is the often-parodied "Cell Block Tango" - from the musical "Chicago," in which six women "murderesses" explain why they killed their men.

Queen of musicals to come to CRR

German singer and actress Ute Lemper, who is renowned for her performances in musicals know world-wide, will take the stage at Istanbul's Cemal Re?it Rey (CRR) Concert Hall on April 28 with her project "Last Tango in Berlin."

Lemper has been universally praised for her interpretations of Berlin Cabaret Songs, the works of Kurt Weill and Berthold Brecht and the French chanson.