Colombian conflict

Colombia government, rebels in crisis talks after 'no' to peace deal

The Colombian government and Marxist guerrillas went back to the drawing board on Oct. 4 after a peace deal they painstakingly negotiated over four years was rejected in a shock referendum result. 

In a vote that confounded opinion polls and was a disaster for Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, Colombians narrowly rebuffed the pact on Oct. 2 as too lenient on the rebels. 

Colombia: Historic Peace Deal Between Government and the FARC Finally Signed

CARTAGENA, Colombia - In a historic event, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos shook hands Rodrigo Londoño Echeverri 'Timochenko,' the leader of the the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), and with this physical gesture, a peace agreement that ended 52 years of war between government forces and the rebels was finally reached.

Colombia rebels free ex-governor held since 2013: officials

Colombia's second-largest guerrilla group, the National Liberation Army (ELN), freed an ex-governor on April 3 held captive since 2013, in a new boost to peace efforts.

"Pleased by the release of (Choco department) ex governor Patrocinio Sanchez Montes de Oca. Much support to him and family. #welcometofreedom," the Choco governor's office said on Twitter.

Obama presents $450 mn plan to fund Colombia peace

US President Barack Obama announced a $450 million plan to fund Colombia's peace process on Feb. 4, shaking up a controversial military aid program that defined relations for 15 years.

Hosting President Juan Manuel Santos at the White House, Obama said that as the country's 50-year conflict with leftist FARC guerrillas winds down it was time to rethink "Plan Colombia."  

Maradona to play match for Colombia's peace process

Argentina's legendary ex-footballer Diego Maradona will play in a "pro-peace match" in Bogota this month to support Colombia's ongoing peace process, officials said Sunday.
The game will take place on April 10 at Techo stadium in Bogota, and will include other football greats whose names were not immediately released, a statement from the mayor's office said.
