
Carl Sagan explains how the ancient Greeks figured out the Earth isn’t flat, over 2,000 years ago

The denial of science has entered the highest levels of government, and no matter what the data says, the U.S. promises to cease all efforts to curtail, or even study, climate change. Astrophysicist Katie Mack calls this retrenchment a form of “data nihilism,” writing in an exasperated tweet, “What is science? How can a thing be known?

New scientific model: How the world will end (pics)

The Big Bang theory is the scientifically accepted view as to how the world came into existence around 13,8 billion years ago. Now scientists are suggesting we could be heading for a dramatic cosmic end: the Big Rip! The new theoretical model claims that as the universe expands, so do all elements like galaxies, planets, atomic particles and space time itself.

Neos Cosmos reloaded

 Onassis center app offers fresh perspective on historical Athenian neighborhood

By Nikos Vatopoulos

After walking around for about an hour, mobile phone in hand and earphones plugged in, I was acutely aware of the fact that the Athenian neighborhood of Neos Cosmos was nothing like I had thought, even though I had been pretty sure I knew the district quite well.