Credit rating agencies

Fitch affirms Greece at ‘BBB-’, maintains stable outlook

Fitch Ratings affirmed Greece's credit rating at "BBB-" with a stable outlook, maintaining the rating it had assigned six months ago when Greek bonds were elevated to investment grade.

The previous upgrade, following S&P's similar move in October 2023, facilitated the inclusion of Greek bonds in major international indices monitored by large institutional investors.

Mali attends investor meeting in Washington

WASHINGTON - At a Washington investor meeting, Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali spoke with representatives of the top US and international companies and investment funds.

Mali, who is in Washington for the IMF/World Bank Group Spring Meetings, gave a presentation of Serbia's economic performance and opportunities for investing in the country.

Reform and politics

The decision by Moody's to keep Greece's credit rating one step below investment grade shows once again how the problems in our judicial system cost a lot of money, in addition to their undermining citizens' confidence in institutions.

The burden of justice

It's not the first time we've heard it. But the recent report by ratings agency Moody's cites the problems of Greece's justice system as a reason for not upgrading the country's credit rating.
