
Cyprus: Lived 20 Years as a Political Refugee and Was an Iranian Agent – Organized Murders of Israelis

An Iranian man, who is currently detained in Cyprus, sought to be released with the aim of deportation due to his involvement in planning a terrorist attack against an Israeli businessman in Limassol.

Future of undersea electricity cable linking Greece, Cyprus and Israel will be decided next month

The future of an electricity cable linking the power grids of Greece, Cyprus and Israel will be cleared up next month when a ruling is expected on whether Cypriot consumers would pick up the tab for the cable's four-year construction costs, Cyprus' Energy minister said on Thursday.

Cyprus deposits decreased

Total deposits in Cyprus last month recorded a net decrease of 44.1 million euros, compared with a net increase of €925.7 million in May, the Central Bank of Cyprus Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics for June said, as included in the July 2024 edition of Monetary and Financial Statistics.

Cyprus under pressure over power link

Important decisions concerning the Great Sea Interconnector, an electric cable linking Cyprus and Greece, are anticipated in August.

Following a recent visit of the CEO of Greece's ADMIE, the project's implementing body, to Nicosia and the presentation of the cost-benefit study, Cyprus is expected to address the outstanding issues.

Famagusta port in spotlight

The opening of the port of Famagusta to serve members of the Organization of Turkic States is being planned by the authorities in Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus a few days before the arrival of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Cyprus, accompanied by fighter jets and dozens of ships.

ADMIE to discuss interconnector project challenges with Cyprus authorities

The Independent Power Transmission Operator of Greece (ADMIE) has been invited to the Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority (RAEK) next Monday in connection with new evidence on the basis of which it has requested a review of the Cypriot regulator's decision not to allow Cypriot consumers to be charged before the implementation of the Great Sea Interconnector project, a subsea electric cable plann
