Environmental conservation

Green sea turtles start laying eggs in southern Turkey 

Green sea turtles have started laying eggs in Turkey's southern province of Adana.

The Akyatan Wildlife Development Area, an internationally important wetland located between Akyatan, the largest lagoon of Çukurova Delta, and the Mediterranean, welcomes green sea turtles every summer.

Volunteers and officials have been on night watch along the 22-kilometer (13.6-mile) coast.

Iohannis: Torturing, trafficking in or killing wild animals are reprehensible acts; must be punished according to law

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on Wednesday on the occasion of World Wildlife Day, stating that torturing, trafficking in or killing wild animals are reprehensible acts, which must be punished according to law and calls on the Government to come with a more ambitious tree-planting plan, especially outside woods, on sandy or degraded land.

Failures in protection of Caretta caretta in spotlight

The signatories of the Bern Convention, the international legal instrument in the field of nature conservation, have decided to issue recommendations to Greece due to failure to comply with accords to protect the spawning area of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) on the island of Zakynthos.
