
Venezuela Unilaterally Creates New State in Disputed Territory with Guyana

In a move likely to escalate tensions with neighboring Guyana, Venezuela's lawmakers, aligned with President Nicolas Maduro's government, have passed legislation to establish a new state within the disputed Essequibo region. The decision comes amidst a longstanding territorial dispute between the two nations, with the legal case pending in the UN International Court of Justice.

Maduro assails US military support for Guyana ahead of border talks

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Monday that he views US military support of neighboring Guyana as a threat to resolving his nation's territorial claim there, and will bring it up in talks this week with his counterpart.

Maduro will meet Guyana President Irfaan Ali on Thursday in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

UN to hold emergency meeting at Guyana's request on Venezuelan claim to vast oil-rich region

The U.N. Security Council scheduled an emergency closed meeting Friday at the request of Guyana following Venezuela's weekend referendum claiming the vast oil- and mineral-rich Essequibo region that makes up a large part of its neighbor.

That's it, a serious war is brewing; Three armies on the borders

Let's recall that in a public address after Sunday's referendum on the annexation of the Essequibo region, Nicolas Maduro presented a map showing the territory of Guyana on the Venezuelan side.
The Essequibo region is rich in oil and has been a disputed territory since the 19th century when Guyana was a British colony.

Brazil Sends Troops to Border with Venezuela

Brazil announced it had begun deploying troops along its border with Venezuela after the government in Caracas said it intended to annex territory controlled by Guyana, the BBC reported on Thursday.

Agence France-Presse adds that the increased presence is part of efforts to "guarantee the inviolability of the territory".

Essequibo Referendum: Venezuela's Landslide Vote Stuns Guyana and World

Venezuela's National Electoral Council reported an overwhelming 95% support in a referendum for the annexation of Guyana's Essequibo region. The contentious vote, involving more than 10.5 million Venezuelans, marked a significant victory for the territory's accession.