Exit poll

Theresa May Ahead but Set to Lose Majority in UK Election

Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservatives are set to lose their overall majority after Britain's general election, an exit poll showed on Thursday after voting closed, AFP reports.

The Conservatives were set to win 314 seats, followed by Labour on 266, the Scottish National Party on 34 and the Liberal Democrats on 14, the poll for the BBC, Sky and ITV showed.

French Elections: Marcon victorious with 65%!

Centrist Emmanuel Macron has recorded a landslide victory against far-right populist opponent Marine Le Pen to become the President of the French Republic. Macron won 65% of the vote, according to the Ispos/Sopra Steria for French state TV estimate. The turnout at 5pm was estimated at 65.3% of the 47 million registered voters.

Borissov's GERB Wins Bulgaria's Snap Parliamentary Election

The centre-right Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria, GERB, led by ex-Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, won the snap parliamentary polls on Sunday by a margin of 4 per cent from its closest rival, according to the first exit polls released by Bulgaria's main polling agencies - Alpha Research and Gallup International Balkan.

Bulgaria Enters Knife-Edge Parliamentary Contest

Polling stations are open between 7am and 8pm on Sunday in Bulgaria, where over 6.8 million people are entitled to vote to elect Bulgaria's 44th National Assembly.

A total of 45,701 Bulgarians living abroad have registered to take part in the vote, which will take place in 371 polling stations in 70 countries around the world.

AFIS Pollster: GERB and BSP with Equal Support Ahead of Snap Elections

About ten days before the snap parliamentary elections on March, 26 the answer to the question who is the likely winner remains open, according to the findings of pollster AFIS about the political preferences in Bulgaria, quoted by BNR.

The two major parties, the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) and GERB, share almost equal support, and the outcome cannot be forecast in advance.
