Geography of Asia

Turkey plays 'key role' in transferring Iraqi Kurdish oil

Turkey has played a key role in transferring Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) oil to the international market, Turkish Energy Minister Taner Y?ld?z said on Aug. 15.

?The oil transfer couldn?t have materialized if Turkey was not involved because the central government in Baghdad did not allow it,? Y?ld?z said, speaking to visiting reporters from the Iraqi Kurdish region in Ankara.

Turkish journalists should use 'language of peace,' report says

Journalists should use a ?peaceful rather than contentious language? upholding peace, democracy and human rights amid the upsurge in violence across Turkey, according to a monthly report released by the Ankara-based Association of Journalists Press for Freedom Project (PfF) on Aug. 14.

Turkish atheism association delivers free soup in Istanbul

Turkey's first official atheism association has begun supporting the homeless and needy in Istanbul by delivering free soup once a week.

Every Wednesday, the Atheism Association delivers free soup with the motto of "Soup campaign for you" in the streets of Istanbul. The association is also open to volunteer contributions to support its drive via its Twitter account.

Head of Istanbul nursing home changed as land opens to zoning

A businessman in the construction industry, whose faulty building claimed 20 lives in the deadly earthquake in Turkey's western province of Yalova in 1999, has been appointed as the head of a nursing home in Istanbul's Okmeydan? neighborhood, in a historical building that was recently opened to renovation.
