George Simion

AUR: The Government's decision to introduce the COVID digital certificate is illegal

The Government's decision to introduce the COVID digital certificate on the Romanian territory is "illegal" and can be challenged in court, according to the representatives of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR). "The exercise of certain rights or freedoms can be restricted only by law.

AUR asks gov't to give up online school and not to put pressure on pupils, teachers to vaccinate

The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) calls on the government to eliminate the provision that makes it possible to switch to online school from a cumulative incidence of COVID cases greater than 6/1,000 and "not to put pressure on students and teachers to get vaccinated." "After the bad experience of the previous school year, we believe that closing schools is an excessive measure consi

AUR's Simion: We will go all in with the motion of censure

The opposition Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) will go all in with the motion of censure because Prime Minister Florin Citu "should not be allowed to run as an incumbent prime minister in the internal elections of the National Liberal Party (PNL)," AUR national leader George Simion said on Monday. "An entire country has witnessed live how the old parties strike up deals.

AUR's Simion: AUR never was, never will be USR ally; Citu government will fall

Co-chair of the opposition Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) George Simion says his party has not entered any alliance with the Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) alliance, junior in the ruling coalition, but with the Romanians, predicting that the Citu government will fall. "As I have promised the Romanians, Prime Minister Citu will fall.

AUR leaders: Citu Gov't trying to usher in mandatory vaccination, we invite unions to discussions

The Alliance for the Unity of Romanians (AUR) invites trade unions in the public system to consultations at the Palace of Parliament on grounds that "government officials have stepped up threats and intimidations against public system staff" who do not want to get vaccinated. "The Citu Government has dictatorial moorings and is trying to backhandedly usher in mandatory vaccination.

AUR requests president Iohannis "not to expose Romanians to wave of Afghani refugees"

AUR (Alliance for the Unity of Romanians) is requesting president Iohannis, CSAT (Supreme Council for Country's Defence) and the Government not to expose the Romanian people to the wave of Afghani refugees, who could generate real threats to national security and would affect the country's already low budget. "At this moment, our priority is the Romanian people.

Anti-restriction protester held in Bucharest for turning violent with gendarmes

A participant in the anti-restriction protest staged in the Bucharest University Square on Monday was held by gendarmes and taken to a police precinct after he refused to identify himself and turned violent with the law enforcement officers. "The man refused to put on a protective mask, which is why he was asked to identify himself.
