German federal election

Germany's Social Democrats Closing In on Merkel's Party, Poll Shows

The Social Democrats (SPD) are narrowing the edge of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) of German Chancellor Angela Merkel before the general election in September, a survey shows.

The CDU would get 33% and the SPD would receive 32% of the vote, the figures projecting the center-left party's highest result since April 2006.

Germany's SPD seen beating Merkel's conservatives in election, says poll

Germany's Social Democrats (SPD) would beat Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives if an election was held today, a poll said on Feb. 6, showing the center-left party was still building on positive momentum after electing former European Parliament head Martin Schulz as leader. 

Merkel, Schulz With Equal Support for German Chancellor Post

Social Democrat Martin Schulz would receive the same level of support as German Chancellor Angela Merkel if voters could vote directly for the head of government, showed a survey of ARD TV carried out on Wednesday, cited by Reuters.

Schulz and Merkel have the same level of electoral support - 41%, reported BTA.

European Parliament President Schulz To Step Down

The President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz will leave his post.

Schulz, who is a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, announced that he intends to return to German politics.

60-year old Schulz will enter German politics where he might compete with Angela Merkel for the post of German Chancellor next year, reported AFP..
