Greek presidential election, 2014–15

Juncker welcomes Pavlopoulos to seat of EC

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker (r) welcomes Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos on Wednesday at the European Commission in Brussels, the first time a Greek president has been invited to speak at the EC. In a joint press conference, Pavlopoulos referred to Juncker's decisive role in supporting Greece at difficult moments during the crisis.

ND solidifies 10-point lead over leftist SYRIZA in poll

Conservative New Democracy retains a 10 percentage point lead over leftist SYRIZA, according to the findings of a new opinion poll carried out the firm Pulse for Skai Television.

The survey found that if elections were held now 31.5 percent of respondents would vote for ND compared to 21.5 percent for leftist SYRIZA, which shares power with the right-wing Independent Greeks (ANEL).

A booby-trapped country

All of the most recent public opinion polls that have been conducted in Greece appear to support what analysts have been saying, that New Democracy will quite likely win the next general election, whenever it will be called. The most recent poll, conducted by the University of Macedonia, indicates that the lead New Democracy has over SYRIZA has grown further.

Europe must exist with one face or it won’t exist, President tells CNN

The European Union must exist with one face and in one speed, otherwise it cannot exist at all, President Prokopis Pavlopoulos said in an interview with CNN and Christiane Amanpour, which aired on Thursday.
Pavlopoulos was responding to a question about the Brexit and its effects and whether it is possible to create a two-speed Europe instead, like Hungary has suggested.

President Pavlopoulos: Strict austerity policy is extremely dubious

President of the Republic Prokopis Pavlopoulos in an official luncheon hosted by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany Joachim Gauck in Berlin on Monday stressed the importance of our partners to proceed with the necessary corrections, “especially as regards the sustainability of the public debt and the austerity policy.”

President Pavlopoulos to visit Moscow

President of Hellenic Republic Prokopis Pavlopoulos will visit Moscow on January 14-15 following an invitation by the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration that will be grant him an honorary degree.

Mr. Pavlopoulos will also meet with the President Vladimir Putin on January 15.

UPD: Greek PM extends first official invite for political leaders meeting

The content and details concerning a meeting of political party leaders of Parliament is expected to be decided upon on Friday. Responding to a media report on private TV channel MEGA that said that the representatives of institutions had asked for the meeting to convene, the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) ruling party released a statement:
