Greek presidential election

Official election results delivered to Parliament head

The official results of June 25 election was delivered on Monday morning to the House Speaker, Konstantinos Tassoulas, by the acting Minister of the Interior, Kalliopi Spanou.

After a brief meeting at Parliament, Tassoulas will head to the Presidential Palace to deliver the results to the President, Katerina Sakellaropoulou.

Greek politicians pay their respects to Stephanopoulos

Greek politicians on Monday paid their respects to Constantinos Stephanopoulos, a veteran conservative politician who served two terms as president of Greece from 1995-2005, after his death on Sunday aged 90.

A statement from the Henry Dunant Hospital said Stephanopoulos was admitted Thursday and died at 11:18 p.m. (2118 GMT) from "complications of pneumonia."

Greek president hopes current House will elect his successor, avoid early election

Greek President Karolos Papoulias on Thursday expressed his hope that the current Parliament would elect his successor and avoid leading the country to an early election. The president’s comments came during a meeting with the leader of To Potami, Stavros Theodorakis, at the Presidential Mansion.
