
London most viral city on twitter (photos)

London is the most popular hashtag on twitter with ‘London’ and ‘travels’ posted over 630,000 times in 2015, 200,000 times more that the next destinations, Paris, New York, Rome and Tokyo. The word ‘London’ in itself was tweeted over 80,000,000 times in 2015 along with the words ‘art’, ‘tarvels’ and ‘fashion’.

Charlotte Rampling’s Oscar racism claims stir controversy

Charlotte Rampling clarified that her controversial claim over the lack of black Oscar nominees was misinterpreted. The best actress nominee for her role in “45 Years” said that she regretted that her comments were misinterpreted. She told CBS News that she had simply meant to say that an ideal world every performance will be given equal opportunities for consideration.

Why are parents squishing their babies’ faces into round little balls?

Social media make people do some very weird stuff to get likes and retweets. But the latest trend on Twitter is possibly the most bizarre we’ve ever seen.

It all started by Japanese comedian Masahiro Ehara, who somehow discovered that if he squishes his baby’s face, it will look like rice balls, and started a hash tag that translates to “#RiceBallBabies.”

Wanted: Refugee lovers who lost a passionate love letter washed ashore on Samos

Swedish Foreign correspondent Erik Wiman is frantically scouring the internet to find the refugee couple that lost a love letter on the shores of the island of Samos, Greece. Covering the stories of refugees for Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet last October, Wiman found the letter wrapped carefully in a waterproof bag.
