
Chasm between higher education and labor market

To achieve the growth leap that Greece needs to significantly reduce unemployment and replace the 1 million jobs lost due to the economic crisis and the brain drain, Greece must create a few hundred thousand highly skilled jobs in the coming years, according to a study by EY Greece, ELTRUN, the E-Business Research Center of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) and Endeavor Gre

‘Is this my country?’

There are times to keep silent. When we can only lower our heads and allow words that must be heard to fly unimpeded to the farthest corners of the land, to wherever on earth Greeks dwell. Because, despite the great progress of the past 200 years, we must acknowledge that our country still does not secure the basic needs of its children, of all its inhabitants.

Paleolithic discovery made on Lesvos

A collection of Paleolithic tools was recently discovered in the region of Kratigos, approximately 8 kilometers south of the city of Mytilini on the eastern Aegean island of Lesvos. 

The archaeological enthusiast and researcher Vasillis Koumarelas unearthed the artifacts and delivered them to the Lesvos Antiquities Ephorate a few days ago. 
