Iraq War

All in the name of God! Doesn’t matter which one!

I could not make up my mind: did he say this out of conviction or out of guilt wrapped up as faith? Whatever it was, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair once again jumped in to raise some eyebrows among international observers with his latest statement relating to the present sectarian chaos in Iraq.

Iraq takes back Saddam hometown with Iran's help: Report

Iranian troops have helped Iraqi government forces re-take most of the town of Tikrit, the Wall Street Journal reports Iranian security sources as saying.

The source said that two battalions of Iran's Quds force, the overseas branch of the country's Revolutionary Guard, helped battle the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants in the city.

Albanian Jihadist Militants Link up on Facebook

The Facebook page, set up in February, which currently has 429 likes, hails the activities of ethnic Albanian jihadists fighting in Syria, and appears to serve as an information point in Albanian for the fighters.

In a post on May 6, a communiqué announced the truce announced by the al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra with the ISIS.
