Janez Janša

Mladina deems presidential function important, Pahor bad president

Ljubljana – Commenting on the role of president of the republic in Slovenia as the presidential race in the country is accelerating, Mladina says the constitution and social commitment are the only thing that kept outgoing President Borut Pahor from causing havoc and damage with his politically biased choices during his mandates.

MPs pass changes to RTV Slovenija act

Ljubljana – The National Assembly passed in 53:26 vote on Thursday changes to the act on RTV Slovenija with which the government would like to reduce what it sees as the influence of politics on the public broadcaster. The changes come after RTV journalists recently went on strike twice demanding editorial autonomy.

Mladina says coalition should take initiative

Ljubljana – The latest Mladina editorial says Janšism is the main problem of Slovenian society and of any government that tries to oppose it, adding that PM Robert Golob does not have a single political heavyweight by his side who has already fought political battles with his predecessor Janez Janša. The coalition should take initiative, it notes.

Top court rejects Janša appeal against statute-barring of Patria case

Ljubljana – The Constitutional Court has rejected an appeal by former PM Janez Janša against the statute barring of the Patria defence deal bribery case. While Janša felt denied a chance to prove his innocence, the top court claims he had no legal interest, as statute barring is fully equivalent to an acquittal, meaning he is considered innocent.

Govt rating at 53% in POP TV poll

Ljubljana – The first monthly approval rating of the Robert Golob government stands at 53.1%, about eight points higher than the rating the Janez Janša government had right after it took office, according to a poll run by POP TV.

Almost a third of respondents, 31.6%, oppose the current government, whereas just over 15% are undecided.

Reporter says Golob proving opposition wrong with his acts

Ljubljana – Reporter writes in its latest editorial that Prime Minister Robert Golob is denying with his decisions and acts the false accusations from the opposition that Slovenia is turning towards Moscow under the new government and that he is a Tojan Horse of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

SDS condemns foreign minister’s RTV Slovenija appeal

Ljubljana – The opposition Democrats (SDS) have strongly condemned a letter Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon has addressed to RTV Slovenija director general Andrej Grah Whatmough urging him to reconsider his plan to cut the public broadcaster’s international network of correspondents. The SDS sees her move as unacceptable political pressure.

Sancin says fmr govt prevented her UN appointment

New York – International law expert Vasilka Sancin has told the STA that her candidacy for a new term on the UN Human Rights Committee failed yesterday because the former government blocked her nomination. Her candidacy was submitted as the last one, in early June, almost two months after the 6 April deadline.
