Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

Iran: Revolutionary Guard Vow to Designate US Army as Equivalent to ISIS

The chief of the Iran Revolutionary Guards has reportedly vowed to equate the US Army with Daesh if the US puts them on the terror group list.

Mohammad Ali Jafari also stated that the United States was wrong about the pressure it put on Iran while negotiating on regional issues, Iran's Tasnim news agency cited the Guards' commander on Sunday.

Trump Might 'Abandon Iran Nuclear Deal'

US President Donald Trump is planning to abandon the Iran nuclear deal shortly, according to US media reports, quoted by BBC.

If he fails to certify the accord, Congress will decide whether to re-impose economic sanctions on Iran. Mr Trump has until 15 October to decide.

Opposition to the deal was a major part of his campaign last year.

U.S. Military Chief Warns Against Pulling Out Of Iran Nuclear Deal

The top U.S. military commander has warned against pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, saying doing so would complicate U.S. efforts to reach agreements with other nations, Radio Free Europe reports. General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made the comments September 26 in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee.
